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尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

全球大奖!尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术助力沙特阿美摘得2024年全球智慧城市大会“创新大奖”

近日,以“Live Better”为主题的2024年全球智慧城市大会(SCEWC)在西班牙巴塞罗那隆重举办。SCEWC是全球规模最大、专注于城市和社会智慧化发展及转型的主题展会,活动现场举行了被誉为世界智慧城市领域“奥斯卡”的“2024年世界智慧城市大奖”颁奖典礼,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术旗下子公司尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!数智科技有限公司(简称“尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!数科”)与沙特阿美公司联合研发的数字互动平台— myCommunity 超级APP,从全球64个国家的429件参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣获“创新大奖”。该奖项由全球智慧城市大会、联合国人居署、世界经济论坛、世界银行、C40、欧盟等机构权威人士组成的专家评审团共同选出,旨在‌‌表彰在智慧城市建设方面具有创新性的项目或解决方案。这一荣誉不仅彰显了沙特阿美作为全球领先的综合能源和化工企业,在全球舞台上因其卓越的应用和创新数字技术改善员工生活而获得的认可,充分体现了尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!数科在“SaaS+AI”创新技术与海外服务方面的卓越能力与巨大潜力,也见证了尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术在中东非洲(MEA)区域持续业务拓展的实力。

Recently, the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) 2024, themed "Live Better", was held in Barcelona, Spain, with a great ceremony. SCEWC is the world's largest event dedicated to the development and transformation of cities and societies toward smartness. At the event, the "World Smart City Awards 2024", known as the "Oscars" in the field of smart cities, were presented in a grand ceremony. The myCommunity Super App, a digital interactive platform jointly developed by SUPCON's subsidiary, SUPCON Digital Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.(referred to as "SUPCON Digital Intelligent Technology"), and Saudi Aramco, stood out from record-breaking 429 entries from 64 countries and regions worldwide, winning the "Innovation Award". The Award is jointly selected by an expert jury comprised of leading authorities from the Smart City Expo World Congress, UN-Habitat, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, C40 Cities, the EU, and other institutions. It aims to recognize projects or solutions that demonstrate innovation in smart city development. This honor not only highlights that Saudi Aramco, as a leading integrated energy and chemicals company, has been recognized on the global stage for using excellent and innovative digital technologies to enhance the lives of its employees, fully showcases SUPCON Digital Intelligent Technology's outstanding capabilities and significant potential in "SaaS+AI" innovative technologies and overseas services, as well as the strength in continuously expanding its businesses in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region.

沙特阿美公司社区服务高级副总裁Meshari Alshaikhmubarak 表示:“该奖项反映了沙特阿美公司对人民福祉的重视。我们通过对卓越和创新数字技术应用的高度关注,旨在提升工作环境并改善社区的生活品质。公司的myCommunity平台获得了这一享有盛誉的奖项,我们深感荣幸,并将以此为契机,继续在这一成就的基础上进一步发展。” 

Meshari Alshaikhmubarak, Saudi Aramco Senior Vice President of Community Services, said: "This award reflects the importance Aramco places on the wellbeing of people. Through a strong focus on excellence and innovative deployment of digital technologies, we aim to improve our workplaces and enhance lifestyles in our communities. We are honoured that, as a result of this approach, the company's myCommunity platform has been recognized with such a prestigious award. We are also inspired to build further on this achievement."

由尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!数科与沙特阿美共同研发并参评的 myCommunity 超级APP智能体,其核心价值主张在于为员工提供一个私人且值得信赖的平台来连接设施、服务和邻里关系。该平台特别关注员工安全、生活质量与福祉以及成本优化,创新融合了SaaS集成、数据+AI等云计算技术,是沙特阿美CSDT数字化转型应用跨界融合、互联互通的突破。myCommunity 超级APP为沙特阿拉伯王国14个沙特阿美公司社区的20余万人提供服务,使他们能够获取定制化信息,进入数百个设施,并享受GameMate、社区俱乐部以及各个社区直观的活动日历等多项功能。该平台通过全新设计的界面和更便捷的导航,优先考虑包容性,以提升每个用户的使用体验。此外,该平台还配备了鼓励员工通过社区投票对设施和服务进行评级的设备,使用户能够即时反馈和提出建议。

The myCommunity Super App, jointly developed by SUPCON Digital Intelligent Technology and Saudi Aramco for an award competition, has a core value proposition of providing employees with a private and trustworthy platform that connects facilities, services, and neighborhoods. This platform particularly focuses on employee safety, quality of life, well-being, and cost optimization. The platform innovatively integrates cloud computing technologies such as SaaS integration and data+AI, marking a breakthrough in the cross-disciplinary integration and interconnection of Saudi Aramco's CSDT digital transformation and deployment. The myCommunity platform provides more than 200,000 people, in 14 different Aramco communities across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, access to customizable information, entry to hundreds of facilities, and multiple features such as GameMate, Community Clubs, and an intuitive Events Calendar for each community. The platform prioritizes inclusivity with a redesigned interface and more accessible navigation to empower every user experience. Additionally, the platform has been equipped to encourage facility and service ratings through community polls, enabling instant feedback and suggestions from users.

本次在全球范围内的激烈竞争中荣获此殊荣,是尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术助力沙特阿美公司共同创新取得的成果,更是尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术坚持长期主义和价值创造共赢理念的体现。未来,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术将持续发挥在AI技术领域的多场景数字化应用方案和生态连接方面的优势,为全球市场的企业和用户提供更加全面且先进的解决方案,以及更加卓越的海外服务体验。尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术将与全球合作伙伴携手共进,共同推动流程工业数智化转型的深入发展,为全球工业升级贡献更大的力量。

Winning this prestigious award after intense global competition is a testament to SUPCON's support in driving Saudi Aramco's innovation. It also exemplifies the practice of SUPCON's commitment to long-termism and win-win value creation. Moving forward, SUPCON will continue to leverage its advantages in AI technology for multi-scenario digital application solutions and enhance ecological connectivity, providing more comprehensive and advanced solutions, as well as superior overseas service experiences for businesses and users in global markets. Together with global partners, SUPCON will drive the in-depth development of digital transformation in process industries, contributing more to global industrial upgrades.
